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The Devil is in the Details 

The Devil is in the Details 

The Devil is in the Details 

The Devil is in the Details 

The Devil is in the Details 

The Devil is in the Details 

Our Philosophy

Answering questions that explain our philosophy, and what makes us different. Helping you judge if we are the right fit for you!

New Age Design Revolution

The new age design revolution is an exciting movement that brings together creativity and innovation in design. It values design that not only looks good, but also works well, and takes a holistic approach to interior spaces that considers the impact of design on peoples well being.

At the heart of this revolution are collaboration and interdisciplinary work. By bringing together architects, interior designers, and other experts, we can create design solutions that truly meet the needs of all involved and have a positive impact on everyone and everything around us.

Lean Design Principles

Lean design is all about creating interiors that are both beautiful and efficient. It's a philosophy that values collaboration and interdisciplinary work and prioritizes the needs of all involved in the design process.


At the heart of lean design is effeciency. By carefully mapping out each step of the design process and identifying areas of waste, we can create solutions that are not only beautiful and functional but also cost-effective.


By working together with architects, interior designers, and clients, we can create interiors that meet the needs of all involved. This collaborative approach leads to better communication and fewer mistakes.

Why you should pick an

Online Design Platform

  1. Convenience: With online design platforms, you can access the design process from anywhere, at any time.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Online design platforms typically offer more affordable pricing compared to traditional in-person design services.
  3. Access to a wider pool of designers: Online design platforms typically have a larger pool of designers to choose from each with their own individual styles and set of skills.
  4. Design visualization tools: Many online design platforms offer design visualization tools that allow clients to see their designs in 3D, which can help them to better appreciate the design concept.
  5. Time-saving: Online design platforms can also be more time-efficient compared to traditional in-person design services. The online process eliminates the need for in-person meetings, allowing clients to receive designs and feedback more quickly.
What are the benefits of my

Designer working with your Architects

  1. Integration of Form and Function: Each with their respective strengths, when these two professionals work together they can ensure that the functional needs of the space and the aesthetic vision of the design are integrated and aligned.
  2. Improved Communication: When an architect and an interior designer work together, they can communicate directly and effectively to ensure that the design vision is carried through.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: They can leverage each other’s expertise to create a cohesive and well-integrated design solution.
  4. Streamlined Decision Making: Decisions about the design can be made more efficiently, reducing the risk of miscommunication, rework, and delays.
  5. Improved Budget Control: It can also help to control costs by coordinating materials and systems, reducing the risk of costly mistakes, and ensuring that the project stays on budget.

Meet The Team

We're a multidisciplinary team based in New Delhi with a passion for creating innovative designs. We work with businesses and people to create a more beautiful world.

CEO, Founder

Phil Martinez

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id mi faucibus, malesuada quam eget, facilisis turpis. Quisque ac purus erat.

Donec id pharetra tellus, vitae vehicula dolor. Aenean leo lorem, tempor vel mauris in, interdum fringilla erat. Nam auctor sodales dapibus. Ut et nibh sed neque lobortis mollis. Cras mauris tellus, ornare sed vestibulum eu, sagittis vitae justo. Vivamus pellentesque augue in orci commodo dignissim. Fusce id mi lacus.

Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.

CFO, Partner

Alex Smith

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id mi faucibus, malesuada quam eget, facilisis turpis. Quisque ac purus erat.Donec id pharetra tellus, vitae vehicula dolor. Aenean leo lorem, tempor vel mauris in, interdum fringilla erat.

Nam auctor sodales dapibus. Ut et nibh sed neque lobortis mollis. Cras mauris tellus, ornare sed vestibulum eu, sagittis vitae justo. Vivamus pellentesque augue in orci commodo dignissim. Fusce id mi lacus.

Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.


Kara Cohen

Quisque elit nisl, varius nec ullamcorper eget, egestas vitae mi. Nam hendrerit eros a sagittis tempus. Mauris hendrerit hendrerit consequat. Nunc eget dui pulvinar, auctor neque sed, convallis ipsum. Fusce sagittis, dui a malesuada ullamcorper, nulla dolor interdum ipsum.

Ac condimentum eros lacus vestibulum nunc. Nunc maximus, massa et dictum dictum, risus massa dignissim nisl, at vestibulum ligula ante id metus. Morbi fringilla rhoncus porta.

Office Manager

Justin Klein

Etiam nulla velit, pharetra vel leo a, pretium rhoncus eros. Fusce eu hendrerit ipsum, vitae volutpat dui. Nunc eget mi tincidunt, luctus turpis at, pharetra diam. Nam sit amet purus cursus, rhoncus nibh nec, volutpat purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum id iaculis velit, vitae faucibus augue. In quis lectus nisi.


Andy Morris

Etiam nulla velit, pharetra vel leo a, pretium rhoncus eros. Fusce eu hendrerit ipsum, vitae volutpat dui. Nunc eget mi tincidunt, luctus turpis at, pharetra diam. Nam sit amet purus cursus, rhoncus nibh nec, volutpat purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum id iaculis velit, vitae faucibus augue. In quis lectus nisi.

Quisque elit nisl, varius nec ullamcorper eget, egestas vitae mi. Nam hendrerit eros a sagittis tempus. Mauris hendrerit hendrerit consequat. Nunc eget dui pulvinar, auctor neque sed, convallis ipsum. Fusce sagittis, dui a malesuada ullamcorper, nulla dolor interdum ipsum, ac condimentum eros lacus vestibulum nunc. Nunc maximus, massa et dictum dictum, risus massa dignissim nisl, at vestibulum ligula ante id metus. Morbi fringilla rhoncus porta.